About Me

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Bournemouth, United Kingdom
I have just completed the Computer Visualisation and Animation course at Bournemouth University. Follow this blog for my latest work and random findings :)

Friday 26 August 2011

Website down

My website went down today and I've had to wipe all my files and re upload them back onto the server. I haven't uploaded all the video files as they take ages so this is why the quicktimes below don't work now. I might upload them again sometime but as they're old it's not too important.

Currently im modelling an elephant to improve my modelling skills and allow me to eventually animate it and composite it into a live action background. Watch this space for pictures...

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Much needed update!

Hey guys,

Wow I hadn't realised how long it had been since I updated this blog. I can assure you I haven't been doing nothing! I have since completed my final major project titled "How (not) To Make A Campfire". You can see it here -

How (not) To Make A Campfire

Also I have completed my Uni course in Computer Visualisation and Animation gaining a 1st Class result which I'm really chuffed with.

I've also been doing a bit of this and that. I made a quick fun video for my sisters 18th Birthday which you can see here -

Bethany's Birthday Video

I learned how to do some tracking in this as well as just have a bit of fun. My sister liked it by the way!

I also practised some more creature animation in the form of a horse -


I'm planning work on a couple of other ideas as well so I will keep you posted (hopefully a little more frequently than I have been doing)!

Bye for now

Saturday 9 April 2011

New shot 3

New finished shot 3. MUCH better than the original. Much more interesting :)

Wednesday 6 April 2011

First Cut!

Here is the first cut of the animation. It's obviously very crude and unfinished but you get a general idea of what happens, when, how and for how long. I think it's going to work ok. There seems to be a build up, the text is working (although it's not necessarily all there or timed correctly) and I think there's enough camera movement for it not to get boring. Its longer than I anticipated although I don't think this will be too much of a problem as there's a lot of repetition in shots as well as the pauses that eats up the time.

The first shots animation is complete along with the first half of the second.

Onwards and upwards!

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Numberrrrrrrrr 8

Pretty happy with this one so far. Not sure about the landing into the breathing need to see how that looks in spline maybe. The throwing down has the right feel though and I like the speed of sneaking to the tent and getting the white spirit. Feels cheeky and snappy like I wanted.

Biggest worry at the moment is that this will be boring to watch. That's the challenge of having static cameras and just means my animation needs to be interesting. Hopefully it will be!

Comments etc please...

Shot 8 -

Monday 21 March 2011

Shot 7

Aaaaand here's shot 7. Relatively happy with this one so far. Definitely needs more work in the body to mirror his frustration as he speeds up. The timing is pretty good I think. Could probably do with a little tweaking. Ignore the one match that jumps around all over the place and then the lack of matches! He'll be holding the last match in his right hand in the last pose about to throw it down in shot 8.

Shot 7 -

Sunday 20 March 2011

Shots 5 and 6

Here are the next two shots of the animation. It's going ok. These have been hard to do because they rely on timing. Shot 5's timing particularly still isn't right. I think it needs to actually be dragged out a little longer. I think I've got to be brave to have such repetitive animation for such a long time to get across what's funny about it. Needs work.

Shot 5 -

Shot 6 -

More to come. It's getting quite long now already which I'm a little worried about but we'll see.