About Me

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Bournemouth, United Kingdom
I have just completed the Computer Visualisation and Animation course at Bournemouth University. Follow this blog for my latest work and random findings :)

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Much needed update!

Hey guys,

Wow I hadn't realised how long it had been since I updated this blog. I can assure you I haven't been doing nothing! I have since completed my final major project titled "How (not) To Make A Campfire". You can see it here -

How (not) To Make A Campfire

Also I have completed my Uni course in Computer Visualisation and Animation gaining a 1st Class result which I'm really chuffed with.

I've also been doing a bit of this and that. I made a quick fun video for my sisters 18th Birthday which you can see here -

Bethany's Birthday Video

I learned how to do some tracking in this as well as just have a bit of fun. My sister liked it by the way!

I also practised some more creature animation in the form of a horse -


I'm planning work on a couple of other ideas as well so I will keep you posted (hopefully a little more frequently than I have been doing)!

Bye for now

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