About Me

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Bournemouth, United Kingdom
I have just completed the Computer Visualisation and Animation course at Bournemouth University. Follow this blog for my latest work and random findings :)

Thursday 14 October 2010

Hey all,

Ok so today I presented the idea for my final major project to everyone. It seemed to go down well which was nice. The more I think about it the more I develop the idea in my head. Just need to get it onto paper then into the computer now!

So here is the outline of my idea and a couple of concepts. Early stuff at the moment.

Guy trying to light a campfire

Starts off very confident. Maybe rubbing together two sticks

As the fire won't light he gets more and more annoyed.
Eg/ match keeps getting blown out etc

Eventually pours on white spirit (or something similar) and it lights

Puts marshmallow on stick ready to toast. Is smug and pleased with himself again

Just as he starts to toast it, it suddenly pours down with rain

Guy is left with no fire and with a “oh I give up” expression

CONCEPTS (click to enlarge)


HERE is a link to my presentation slideshow in pdf format if you want a closer look!

Now that the ball is rolling I will be updating this much more often so please keep checking back! Any feedback you could give me would be great as well!

Cheers. Bye for now! :)

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