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Bournemouth, United Kingdom
I have just completed the Computer Visualisation and Animation course at Bournemouth University. Follow this blog for my latest work and random findings :)

Monday 22 November 2010

Character Model

My (provisional) final character model. I'm really pleased with the way he's come out. Was a little unsure through the middle of modelling when I couldn't get his age right but I think he looks like an older teenager which was my aim. I also think I've kept the style of my designs successfully which is always good to do and something I wasn't sure how well would translate in 3D. He is simple but also has character and the details in his rolled up sleeves, collar and boots give interest and show that I can actually model a bit.

There are still a couple of changes I want to make. The 'messy' hair bits I want to move over to one side just to offset it a bit. Also not sure whether to give him a mouth or not (at the moment he does have one, you just can't see it with ambient occlusion as it's flat). He kind of looks fine without a mouth and I should be able to get all the expression out of his body and eyes as there probably wont be too much close up facial stuff. Something to think about.

Now on to more fun stuff like rigging and texturing. Can't wait to get this guy out of the dull t-pose!

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